Why is a marketing plan important?


Essentially, a marketing plan or marketing strategy will ensure maximum return on investment (ROI) and greater success rates.

We love nothing more than direct mail, but what we do like a little bit more is when direct mail is part of an integrated approach. Statistic’s show that including mail in the marketing mix can increase ROI by up to 12%. Having a marketing strategy or marketing plan of action means that your communications are going to reach the right target audience and be part of a wider campaign that will engage them and help them see what your brand is all about.

In this blog, we are going to look at Melissa’s Top 3 tips to get your marketing plan off the ground.



Tip 1 – Don’t Dismiss


Consider all options. What so we mean? Whenever you are considering which tactic you might use to target your audience you may automatically dismiss some channels e.g. social media. You may feel the demographics is simply young etc,. however that is not the case. There are so many platforms now and what we’re finding is that user number are growing and so are the demographics. So, consider all options when creating your marketing plan – don’t dismiss.


Tip 2 – Align your staff.


This is very important. Basically if you are putting together a strategy its going to be your staff who implement that so getting their buy in from the very beginning is going to ensure your success. Sit down with them, get their feedback, find out what their thoughts are and implement if appropriate. Then, once you are ready to go you’ve got everyone behind it and ready to implement the strategy for you meaning much better success rates.


Tip 3 – Consistency.


Consistency is key. You have your strategy and your ready to go, take a look and ask yourself, are the messages consistent? Do you know exactly what is it you want to say to your customer? If its a little unclear its time to reconsider. You need a few messages that everyone is aligned behind, all the campaigns are aligned behind and that way you can be sure that your audience is getting the exact message at the exact time.

Contact us


For more information on helping you build and implement your marketing plan please contact our experts on [email protected] and we’ll be very happy to help you.

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